Premier Roofing BUFR

Roofing system overview

Built-up felt roofing

Built-Up Felt Roofing (BUFR) refers to traditional, multi-layer waterproofing systems fabricated from reinforced bituminous membranes.

Multi-layer robust waterproofing solution.

Multi-layer robust waterproofing solution.

Built-Up Felt Roofing is a tried and tested method of waterproofing roofs. A typical ‘warm roof’ system would incorporate a bituminous vapour control layer, thermal insulation and two-layers of waterproofing on top. Underlays are normally sand surfaced, whereas cap sheets have an aesthetically pleasing mineral finish offering enhanced protection against UV.

Modern BUFR systems incorporate polymer modification within the membranes, offering enhanced temperature stability and long term performance. BUFR systems are particularly suited to refurbishment projects and have been used successfully on countless schools, hospitals and other buildings nationwide.

Premier Roofing are approved installers for many of the UK’s market-leading manufacturers, including BMI Icopal, IKO, Alumasc and Garland. Health and safety is always a priority and our operatives follow the NFRC’s Safe2Torch guidelines on all projects, utilising cold-applied self-adhesive membranes as required. Our roofing systems are also supported by comprehensive guarantees for up to 30 years.


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Manufacturer Partners

Premier Roofing are trained and approved to install a wide range of roofing and waterproofing systems from the UK’s leading manufacturers.